
This month Living Letters concludes our part of telling Ro's story as told by her mom, Jayme. Jayme continues to blog, however, and Ro's story continues to be written. Ro is a 15-year-old girl who over a year ago was diagnosed with an adult form of cancer—tumors manifesting themselves throughout her abdomen. Medical professionals were unsure they would be able to save her life.
Ro's mother took to blogging in a post called Finding Serenity on Facebook. There, she shared her thoughts about what Ro and her family were facing. Clearly, they were relying on their faith in God to carry them through. Because of Jayme's posts, word of Ro's condition was carried to hundreds of people throughout the world and a team of prayer warriors became part of Ro's story.
I was enthralled at the responses and the steady determination of Jayme to keep everyone updated. When Jayme gave me permission to use her posts on Living Letters, I was honored to do so—yet, neither of us at that time having any idea of what would be in this last segment.
You will discover as you read that Jayme has begun her own research to continue fighting the cancer in a more natural and holistic way so that it will die completely and never return. In doing this, she is sharing her findings with anyone who might be combatting cancer. She invites discussion from the experiences and knowledge of others. I have not included much from this part of her conversation in what I am reprinting, but I urge you to go directly to Finding Serenity to learn more about what Jayme is learning and continues to learn.
Keep this family in your prayers and most of all seek their God, our God, Who is once more proving Himself an awesome, faithful and loving God in Ro's story.
November 29, 2023
We are currently in the hospital for round ten [of chemo therapy]. We spoke with the doctor and her tumor marker has gone down again to 3.9. They checked out all of her bruising, her bad toe, her sores on her tongue, her swollen lower abdomen, her hands and the discoloration on her stomach. All seem to be okay and nothing to worry about at this time. . . . Her spirits are up right now and she asked if we can get her a really pretty dress for her party. So she is planning her celebration party in her mind and that's the best thing to hear. I told her we may even have her go all around town with sirens to announce her “Win.” This is an exciting feeling. Making plans for a totally “Worth It” party! I love this child and she amazes me. Praise God and all of his blessings that have been placed upon her. He is still in this fight right beside us.
. . .I pray to God daily to not take my baby from me. I want to hold her and rock her and be the one that makes her feel safe. He's listening. He's working on her and through her. I'd like to think that when I'm holding her hand and watching her sleep, He's beside me with his arms wrapped around me tightly watching her, too.
December 8
Ro has taken a lapse mentally. Her little body has just gone through the wringer and is extremely fatigued. She is withdrawn and angry. Ten rounds totaling 50 bags of chemo in four months is quite intense and overwhelming. Her bloodwork came back that her platelets are low, but her ANC has gone up. All we can do at this point is allow her to be emotional and keep her comfortable. We are looking for more ways for her to express her feelings instead of keeping them to herself. (She is still working with a therapist.) The mind is our most powerful enemy at times. Taking control of it to keep healthy and positive is a difficult journey to walk. Prayers that she may embrace this her way, but see her successes. See her bravery and strength and all the beauty that I see in her. Pray that God moves this miracle at a faster pace. She needs a break. She needs time to heal and have days without pain. Pray that she can keep stepping into that ring with her gloves up ready to fight another day.
December 10
It's been a very good day. Ro is feeling much better. She has slept well the last few nights and that has done wonders for her mental state.
“ The mind is our most powerful enemy at times. ”
December 16
I received a phone call yesterday with the genetic testing results. They came back negative which means this isn't something she was born with. It means by having this child, her father and I didn't produce a genetic mutation to cause our child to have cancer. I almost cried hearing those words. I'm not sure how I could live with myself if I had given this to her just by choosing to love a person and procreate. When I was growing up I never wanted children. I never wanted to get married. I didn't see marriages around me as strong and vibrant and full of love. I went through a young love heartbreak and then just felt like I was destined to live a life with only dogs. I wasn't okay for a while. Then I met this man who changed my entire thought process and heart. All of a sudden, I wanted a child and really wanted a girl. I was so excited and so worried to become a mother. I wanted to raise a strong, kind, loving child with my sense of humor. I prayed for her to have blue eyes and her dad's lips. My entire pregnancy was a miracle.
December 19
We started this morning off in great moods. Drove to the hospital [for round 11] joking around some. She has been laughing all morning up until a moment ago when they dosed her premeds. She is currently knocked out. . . .
Great news to share. Her numbers are looking great AND her tumor marker has hit 2.3!!!!! Best ever.
Just to clear some things up. Ro still has cancer in her lungs, liver and stomach but they all have shrunk to millimeters in size. The great news about this is we should not need any surgically removed.
December 31
We decided to pick up and leave for a few days and it was the best decision not only for Ro, but us, as well. Ro was apprehensive about leaving the comfort and safety of home, but we made sure to be prepared. This was truly needed and it was a nice break from our reality. We surprisingly met a friend on the trip and watched the Browns game outside by a fire. Drank by a pool. Took walks under the beautiful blue sky and saw real smiles from our daughter. We have always made great memories together but this trip was extra special. We ended this year on a positive and are ready for what next year will bring. We begin Round 12 of our fight this Wednesday. Happy New Year! May you all be blessed beyond your needs and feel true happiness this coming year.
January 3
We are in the hospital again. We have our normal room with a nice view. Ro is currently asleep getting her first bag of chemo pumped in. She began closing up and became very quiet last night. She has been more tired than normal and has lost more weight. She is having trouble with her fingertips and feet being completely numb. We are discussing adding more meds into the mix to combat the weight loss and the numbness. We have the CT scan on the 17th and we are going to plan on decreasing her Oxaliplatin and taking out the 5FU (one of the five chemos being administered with each round) and replacing with a pill form. This way she will not be hooked up for three days to a chemo pump. We will need to give the pills for 14 days and then have a week off in between.
All of these changes are because her tumor marker has dropped to 1.8!!! It's such an amazing number to hear. But no matter how long we stay in the normal range we aren't done. We don't want to miss something hiding that will decide to invite friends. We were shown the photos from her scope back in July, and seeing what her insides looked like gave us more of a desire to continue. Our doctor still says two years of some sort of treatment. He would like to keep at this plan for another 6 months as long as her body continues to tolerate it. He said today that she is really tough. That a 40-50 year old wouldn't have made it with such an aggressive treatment plan. Ro is beating metastatic cancer. She is pushing through all of the pain and sickness daily and somehow keeping her mind strong.
We need prayers please. Ro can't walk right now. She can only whisper and is having trouble breathing. She says her insides feel like they are on fire. Everything hurts even if we touch her. Please, please, send prayers.
January 4
Well a huge turnaround. I know it's the prayers. She doesn't want me to sleep with her tonight. She kicked me out of her room. Now I can hear her giggling and talking as she plays a game!! The best sound!
January 18
Results were stable…
We drove home feeling defeated. We don't have the final results of the scans yet but based on the visual we were shown it appears “stable.” I now hate this word. We see no significant change as in an increase in growth or decrease in growth. Her marker shifted slightly upwards but is still in the normal range. We aren't supposed to worry about it. Our team says we may never see her marker as zero and that we are at a point to just focus on it staying in the normal range.
How am I supposed to keep her mentally strong if she can't even walk? I am really struggling mentally watching it. I talked to God for a while last evening while I sat in the hot tub. I feel like He has given me more than I can handle. I feel like I'm right on the edge of a cliff with a strong wind at my back and I'm fighting to keep my balance to not plummet below. I'm begging Him for help. Crying to Him for mercy for my baby. And I don't think the wind is going to let up any time soon. I think I'm going to fall and all I can pray for is a branch to hold on to. A way to climb back up. It's just going to take every bit of my being, my will, my strength and more faith to get me there. And I have to do it while I carry her with me.
“ Well a huge turnaround. I know it's the prayers. ”
January 22
The first thing that popped up on my Instagram today was this quote. “In the quiet moments of change, we hear the echoes of our own resilience and inner strength.”
January 24
Great news to start off our day. We have the approval for the 5FU replacement pill known as Capecitabine. We will still be here for 8 hours getting her other four chemos but without having to wear a backpack port for the next three days!! Instead she will take pills for 14 days. So we just hope that the pills don't make her ill the entire time. It's all trial and error. But we got a tiny smile out of her telling her the news.
More good news. Today is the best day. So they decided to remove the Oxaliplatin completely. Possibly indefinitely. Her neuropathy has gotten much worse and was spreading up her legs. She can't use her fingers at all to pick things up. . . . Now we will start physical therapy. So I need everyone to pray that this new plan does the job and that she has less side effects or no side effects. We are trying to have a plan so she has a better quality of life. I absolutely love our team here. I love how they consider everything I ask of them. They are such a blessing.
January 25
I contemplated not writing today. But I've committed to this for all of you and mostly for myself. When Ro finished chemo she needed to be wheeled out of the hospital. This isn't the first time. By the time we made it home she was in agonizing pain, and it just got worse as time went on. She couldn't walk on her own at all, and Joe had to carry her from the car. Just touching her caused her to cry out loud. She was in so much pain she wanted no sound, complete quiet.
She couldn't sleep and as I held her hand she cried harder because she couldn't feel me. So I just said, I'm here and I won't let go. I was trying so hard to not cry but some leaked out. And you know what she did? She grabbed my hand and flipped it around and kissed my palm. I used to do that to her all the time when she was little, it's from The Kissing Hand. So I kissed her palm and told her to hold it close to her heart. Then she gently wiped my tears away just as I do hers. This was so unbearable to watch that I've been struggling with continuing on with her treatments. If she doesn't begin to improve, I don't know that we will have a choice. I asked God to please help me and guide our path. I told him my heart can't take much more of this. Her body can't take much more of this.
January 26
Today she woke up much better. She says no pain, feels less weak, no itching in her hands, her mindset is better and she slept well! Hallelujah! So today I will try to get her up more and help her walk to build some strength and work her muscles a bit. Hopeful that she can hold a glass to drink on her own. She did walk to the bathroom by herself! And one of the best things is she hasn't been nauseous at all so far. If things keep improving like this it would be another answered prayer.
I wanted to tell everyone how much I appreciate your support and your prayers. I read all of your comments and they truly fill my heart and spirit to know you are there, and I thank you so much.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28}.
What a nice surprise when I opened the front door! Someone at some time today dropped off a box of over 100 handmade Valentine cards from the freshman class at James A Garfield school. Some made us laugh , some made us cry, but all of them made us so happy. We are so touched that these were sent and they brought every bit of joy intended. Just amazing and thank you so much for this!!
January 28
She is on day four of the capecitabine pills. Feels good. Has so much energy. Has no pain.
We are completely amazed with the difference and so relieved and happy. Now just to try and get feeling back in her hands and feet. Get her balance back and build some muscle. God gave me what I prayed for. We needed a clear view of the path to take and it's a beautiful one.
January 31
Those moments in your life when something happens at just the right time. A message or card is sent, you open a book or your phone and what is in front of you is what you need to see or hear. Those reminders that lift you up and keep you going. Ro was given that today. It was so needed and came at exactly the right time to lift her up and help keep her fighting. She was able to visit school today and see her friends and teachers. They planned it all out for her. She has so much support from her school and teachers that we cannot thank them enough.
February 7
Things are going well for Cairo. Saying that isn't comparable to someone not taking chemo, but when weighing how treatment reactions typically were to how they are this moment in time, she is doing amazing. Her only major complaint with this new medication is foods now tastes bad. A lesser complaint is she is having hormonal fluctuations. Acne is coming in and she's having hot flashes and cold sweats. We were told early on her body could/would go into early menopause and this is what seems to be the case.
February 21
It's my birthday today. . . .It hits different because I see how precious the life I live truly is. I'm a cake lover. That was always what I wanted for my birthday. Cake with no frosting. I usually don't want to share my cake. (Jayme doesn't share food!). I love cheap box mix cakes. Nothing fancy. I'm not a person who likes gifts. I have always just needed my family to remember me on my birthday. To acknowledge it and spend my day laughing. What I enjoy most in life (other than cake) is laughing. But this year because this one hits different, my wish is for my daughter to have a year full of happiness and laughter. For my daughter to be healthy and able to live her life as God intended. I wish I could take all of her pain and sadness and frustration and hold it tight inside of myself so it could never touch her again. She deserves my wish. She deserves to eat my cake and laugh about it too.
“ Well yesterday, on my birthday, we were given a gift. Another eye opener as to Who has control in this situation. No matter the odds, God is in charge. ”
February 22
I've been trying to figure out how to word what I want to convey, and I am having difficulty. As you know yesterday was my birthday. Which by the way I had my cake, my daughter ate most of it, and she laughed quite a bit. It was a good memorable evening.
We converse a lot at home about God's plan. We speak of our feelings and fears and mindset. I was reminded yesterday while speaking to someone, of a conversation Joe and I had a
few weeks ago about grief. From day one it has been a series of grieving. Initially we thought we were going to lose our daughter. Then you grieve for the life you had being gone, everything as we knew it was gone. Then you grieve daily not knowing what the future holds. Grief isn't easy and you can't control it. I can cry when my daughter is laughing, when she swings on a swing set, when she is riding the exercise bike in physical therapy, when she is driving the ATV, when she is trying to play with the dog or wrestle her dad. When she looks to the sky and says how beautiful it is.
I cry because these are all things we lost. Things I wasn't sure I would ever have the chance to experience with her again. We have ongoing discussions with our team of doctors about how things will look. How things may happen. What are our chances. All those words that bounce through your mind and make you want to curl in a ball and cry. Grief. There are times when I can't swallow my own coffee because I'm trying to keep it together.
One of these things we were told is she most likely won't bear children. Initially we needed her menstruation to cease due to all the blood transfusions she needed in the beginning. The first day of chemo she began menstruation. It was not good and we needed it to stop. Within the hour it stopped! It stopped and she has not had a cycle since July 26th. The doctors felt due to stress and chemo, most likely her body went into early menopause. Again, I have grieved over this. The chance for my daughter to have a child of her own. The choice to have a child or not.
Well yesterday, on my birthday, we were given a gift. Another eye opener as to Who has control in this situation. No matter the odds, God is in charge. Ro out of the blue began menstruating. Her body still works. She is young and resilient and God has a plan for her. He has taken care of her from day one.
March 6
We just made it home from chemo. It was a long day due to them being backed up. Ro is doing well. She slept through the treatments and was given the morphine again before we left since it worked so well the last round. She was able to walk in the house on her own and asked for food on the ride home. We start the 14 days of capecitabine tomorrow and have a plan in place to control the skin cracking.
Again, thank you for continued thoughts and prayers. This has been a long, traumatic and tiresome journey. Today our neighbor on the floor was a baby. It was heartbreaking to hear those cries. We will be adding him into our daily prayers. I'm hoping you do as well.
March 28
We began round 16 yesterday!! Ro is doing well. We had some great news, her tumor marker is down to less than 0.5!!! The worry and stress waiting on that number can be unbearable at times. Everything we are doing is working and keeping her cancer at bay. We will continue this plan, as long as her body allows.
April 2
There has been a lot going on behind the scenes that I felt I should share. Of course I'm constantly researching, reading, taking notes and sharing with her doctors. I just began reading a book called How to Starve Cancer by Jane McLelland. (Anyone who has had or does have cancer needs to read this) I already have a huge amount of notes to discuss and hopefully collaborate with our team. I find things, send them the information and they then tell me if there are possible reactions to her current chemos. They are wonderful with me and never make me feel as though they know all. . . .
This book talks about Metformin and Doxycycline and Atorvastin. Simple drugs that can be taken to keep the chemo from becoming resistant. This is typically what happens to patients that have metastatic cancer. The chemo suddenly stops working and it's a death sentence. That's what they tell us will eventually happen. I'm not settling or accepting this fact. I'm changing this outcome. . . .Diet, fluids, exercise, vitamin C. It's going to be a new journey soon. And I'm just hoping this path is full of happiness and sunshine and health. No pain. . . .
April 6
I'm really frustrated already this morning. I have spent the last hour plus doing more research, reaching out and getting my hopes up after finding everything I want to treat Cairo, only to be told she's too young. So she's old enough to have toxic chemicals pushed through her veins but not old enough for nutrient dense vitamins or pulse therapy or ultraviolet light. So my daughter is old enough to die but not old enough to live is basically what I'm gathering. It's bad enough that living in the United States we aren't offered these life-saving therapies. . . .Chemo shrinks everything but it does not kill it. Cancer is smart. It will find a way to build itself up and create a comfortable existence in a different pathway. It can create its own blood vessels. It finds a new food source in your body. It's literally the cockroach of cells. Where can I take my baby? Where is the help? Where is the research? Where is the compassion? I want to scream.
April 10
I believe I have most of Cairo's new plan worked out. I, of course, will add and remove as we go along based on results. . . .I began doing all of this research in the beginning obviously, but more avidly once the words were spoken to us that: ”the time will come when chemotherapy stops working.” Unless you have been through this, hearing those words and the effects is hard to explain. . . .We will discuss with our team this Wednesday what my plans are. I'm hoping they will still be a part of it because I will need labs and checks along the way.
I want to give her a break from all chemo for the Summer. During these months I will introduce a dewormer. . .Then there are many new supplements to add to the mix to protect her liver and reduce inflammation and remove dead cells from her body. . . . We need to rebuild her immunity. It will be a lot of meds but nothing as poisonous as what she has gone through. There are so many things that I have found out that have helped us along the way, by the grace of God. . . .Then all of the awful bruising and acne had me buy a red light therapy mask to aid in healing. Red light therapy improves circulation blood flow and increases melatonin production which aids in immunity. . . .
If you are in active treatment, have had treatment, or are preventing, please do some research. It's all there. Reach out to me if you want information.
April 18
Really struggling since speaking to our oncology team yesterday. All of my positive feelings toward trying a more natural approach are now squashed. I knew I shouldn't have tried to discuss it with them. Her marker is the same as it was, her scans showed more shrinking of all tumors, and her stomach lining has mild decrease in thickness. . . .They don't think we should stop treatment at this time because it's working. They said I can add the supplements I planned. . . .I'm going to continue to pray for guidance. And ask for a way to know with certainty the path I need to follow. I did schedule a live blood analysis and saliva test along with hyperbaric treatment in June for her. That was the earliest we could get in. I have people helping me now with going over research.
April 19
Ro is having more energy today and is getting back to feeling better. We started multiple new supplements the last few days including a heavy metal detox. We are just in the beginning phase of starting the transition. We are going to continue giving her the immunotherapy infusions every three weeks for a while longer. But we are no longer on the same page with discontinuing all chemotherapies. (“We” meaning me and my husband.)
We are going to continue to add in more supplements and therapies to detox and cleanse the blood, along with creating a safe environment in her gut. I will be reading more on healing and draining the lymphatic system, and we are beginning that process today. I feel better about my thought process and decisions currently, and am ready to continue on this path. Slowly of course. My daughter has already been a guinea pig throughout this journey. Why not continue in a more natural way? The more information that I read, the more I realize how much God has been a part of this journey. Just my thought processes throughout I know have been Him helping save my baby. Trust in Him.
“ We took Cairo camping this past weekend. It was so refreshing just to have a scenery change. Just to take a break from thinking about cancer and to try and relax.
April 25
Just a little update on Cairo. She had a great birthday this past weekend with friends. It completely wore her out and she hit a wall of exhaustion on Sunday.
May 8
Round 19 today. Starting our morning off in cardiology to check all functions of her heart. It is so hard to believe we are still doing this. We are still debating when to break from treatments. Joe wants to finish May and I really want this to be the last one. We all three need to take some time and attempt to heal some of the trauma on our bodies. Long term stress and anxiety really destroy your health. Our focus has been on Cairo and I need to add us into the mix. We have a great summer planned and we are all so excited. We took Cairo camping this past weekend. It was so refreshing just to have a scenery change. Just to take a break from thinking about cancer and to try and relax. There were a few times the tears ran down. Just watching our daughter smile. Seeing her having fun and able to do things. Having her here with us. We feel every moment now. We hold on to every moment now. We see what life is really about. God has given us so many amazing gifts.
May 15
. . .I just keep reading, watching videos and learning all I can. It's like Pandora's box has opened and everything we have been taught is shown in a completely different light. . . . She drew me a picture and wrote me a letter for Mothers Day. This is the absolute best gift I could have received. Her hands and fingers are working again!!!!! . . .
Once I learned that we could have given Ivermectin to stop chemo resistance and high dose Melatonin to stop side effects and that both of these assist in treatments so well that you could do low dose chemotherapy, I just have wanted to scream. Two off label drugs that would support my daughter's body to handle this. Instead they just kept adding more harmful drugs that didn't really help her.
May 25
Today was a wonderful day. We watched our daughter ride her four wheeler again. She could use her hands and feet! She was screaming and having a blast. She jumped on the trampoline and tried out her new electric scooter. The scooter will take some time. She needs more strength and balance but she was wanting to go, go, go today! We have been blessed beyond measure throughout this journey and we are so grateful.
June 6
Cairo has been so well. She is in a good place and looking forward to the summer. I finally am back to work in person since my husband is now home for the summer and can be here with Ro. It's a huge transition for me. I am not a big fan of having to leave her right now. She is well and I need not worry. I just have that awful thought in the back of my mind that the good won't last. It's as if I'm afraid to feel good. To feel relief or even any happiness. . . .
We have an appointment in Pittsburgh this coming Tuesday. This is where she will have a full body assessment, live blood analysis and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I am looking forward to this place and what we may learn. I am still hopeful that these changes are working. Ro is exercising and weight training to try and build some muscle back. She is laughing a lot and is really becoming herself again. We have been praying that these days continue. I have been constant about thanking God for this time.
June 9
I'm having one of those mornings. The tears just keep falling and my chest feels so heavy. This happens most mornings after I wake Ro up to take her MMS/DMSO. I always walk into her room and gently sit on the edge of her bed. It's usually still dark in there. I tap or coax her shoulder to wake her up and tell her to “drink this and go back to sleep.” Then I always cover her back up and kiss her forehead and look at her for a little bit. Then I cry walking out of her room.
There are so many different reasons that I feel this way. So many emotions and thoughts. I remember when this all began your mind honestly continues to think, When are we done? When will she be free of cancer? When will she be back to herself? Back to normal? Your mind puts a timeframe on things. I think it's how we are able to keep going. You need an end to push for. A goal. But what is God's goal? Is there still something I am supposed to be learning or doing? Or is it her or her dad that still have a message or lesson? Do we ever really know? . . .
June 11
It has been a very long day in Pittsburgh. We have just received an abundance of information. We had a live blood analysis, dry blood analysis, saliva test, urine test and RBTi. Now we know where Ro is deficient. What she is allergic too. How to begin a new treatment regimen to help her feel better. We will begin combatting inflammation. Stop many foods that she is allergic to that we had no idea about. Begin building her blood back up and fixing her vitamin/mineral and hormonal deficiencies.
We spent four straight hours one-on-one with this doctor. He not only is a good natured man, he is highly intelligent, and we can't wait to go back in a month and see her progress. He found that her lymphatic system isn't working. She has parasites and possibly mold toxicity. She has a great amount of inflammation. She is anemic. Her hormones are not working. Her live blood does show the standard results from the Moderna shot. But the stuff I've been doing already is cleaning it. Her liver is overloaded and not working properly. Her pancreas is not working properly. She is flooded with water yet very dehydrated.
We have a few more tests we will do at home and send away, and use new supplements along with stopping all allergens. When we go back in a month we will begin trying to balance her blood levels. It was such an interesting day. We found her body can't process proteins right now. She has proteins and ketones in her urine. Her body is resistant to aluminum. So vaccines, chemo, deodorant. So many things will cause her more problems. He was extremely thorough. We have never in our lives had a doctor explain and discuss and test so many things for us. He was so personable. And extremely knowledgeable. I honestly can't wait to go back.
We knew our baby wasn't healthy. We knew she was tired. She wasn't feeling well. When you have so many things put in front of you, and find answers and explained, it gives you so much hope. We see her sickness. We know we can fight it. We can combat not only the symptoms but the reasons why. How amazing it is to find a doctor that cares to fix the problem. Not just mask the symptom. This may not be our cure but this makes me believe and have faith that this is the correct path. We are going to get my baby healthy. It won't be easy. But I know she can do this.
“ Today was a wonderful day. We watched our daughter ride her four wheeler again. She could use her hands and feet! ”
June 18
. . .We are going in for Round 20 tomorrow. I told Ro I would give her the choice and she chose to take it. She says she prayed about it and feels this is what God wants her to do. I have been on edge all day. The anxiety sets in the day before treatments for me. I don't want her to take it, but I will support her decision of course. I have talked to God off and on throughout the last week just trying to feel less anxious, trying to let go and relax and know He has control. . . .
June 19
My baby is laying on this bed getting chemo. I was looking out the window again and it always reminds me of our first week here. We were at our worst. At our lowest. Scared. Tired. In shock. Joe decided he was going to give us some entertainment. He stole about 20 mini boxes of cereal from our floor and smashed them up and spread it all over the area below that we could see. He was apparently trying to get the entire Cleveland squirrel population in one area. The squirrels did not eat any of it but we got so many laughs out of all the people that kept walking by, stopping and staring and looking up trying to figure out where all this cereal came from. Those moments that brought us a sliver of light in such a dark place made all the difference. We will never forget that. Everyone needs those moments to hold on to. And it's so easy. Cereal, squirrels and some good old-fashioned people watching.
June 29
Ro was just telling us that she had the absolute best vacation and how the stress just melted away while there. Our hearts are so happy.
We are back on the road heading home from an amazing, much needed vacation. It was so much fun. I took the time to watch and take in every possible moment to its fullest. My heart, mind, body and soul were full of love and gratitude. Everything is so vibrant and full of beauty and I am so profoundly amazed at what blessings we have been given. So now I'm back at it. The reading and research and learning. I'm currently (no pun intended) reviewing electrical based therapies. . . . My constant reminders that God sees and hears and is right here guiding me. He is ever present.
July 3
Cairo has been doing very well. . . .Her oncology team is planning on scheduling another Pet Scan this month as well. I have been praying for NED results. (No Evidence of Disease). This would be a complete healing and absolute miracle. . .
July 8
Really good news from Pittsburgh today! Ro is already improving significantly. The doctor was very happy and surprised by her results. Today he added an iron supplement and increased her magnesium. She will start drinking cranberry juice mixed with water to help raise her sugar every half hour. We need to stop cooking with salt to get those levels down more. He made her a natural concoction based on a “check this box” form about her mood and thoughts. It is made from flower remedies of cherry plum, honeysuckle, clematis, mustard, rock rose, white chestnut and star of Bethlehem. . . .
July 10
This Friday marks one year. We sat in the same waiting room this morning while they took scans and it brought back a multitude of emotions. This journey is not over but today we celebrate.
And then the results of the scan came. This is our miracle. A blessing. Answered prayers! This is remission. This is NED-NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! We can't say cured. She has to stay as NED for five years. So we still have decisions to make. We can continue our treatment just to be sure and/or keep monitoring with labs and scans.
Today we cry out of joy and relief. We are beyond amazed at what has been overcome. Cairo battled this disease and she won! We are so proud of her. We are in a slight state of shock to be honest. We will continue her at home protocol exactly as we have been doing and not stray from it. My daughter has made it. Twenty rounds. I can visualize her standing strong in that ring. Gloves on each hand and staring down at cancer defeated on the floor.
Thank You, Lord! Thank you everyone for praying for Cairo.
(Editor's note: 326 reactions and 128 comments followed this post and they read like a praise meeting to God—Him receiving absolute praise and glory!
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